What is Avatar?

Avatar is one of the most powerful, purest self-development courses in the world. It is consciousness training that empowers people to fully create and experience their dreams.

Would you like to be happier, more present and more successful?

Are you interested in personal growth?

Do you resonate with the concepts of the Law of Attraction and Eckhart Tolle?

Avatar actually teaches people how to understand and apply these concepts. The course contains a series of experiential exercises that helps people let go of their negative belief patterns and deliberately create their lives from a place of true inner peace and inspiration.

Wherever you are on your path, Avatar meets you right there and helps you move forward exponentially.

"You are much deeper, much broader, much brighter than any idea you could have of yourself."
- Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar materials 

Copyright  2010 Jeanine C. Jackson. All rights reserved.
Avatar® and ReSurfacing® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
Upcoming Events Around the World:

Next International Avatar Course, Orlando, Florida (4 per year):
Contact Jeanine RLAvatar@aol.com

Free introduction to the Avatar materials by phone or in person:
Contact Jeanine RLAvatar@aol.com

Avatar is a set of tools that allows people, in a very short time, to identify and change the conclusions, decisions, and agreements that are shaping their lives. You could call it a mental editing technique, a belief management technique, or a spiritual empowerment technique. You could call it a lot of things, but the most important thing is that the tools work for you, and they work extremely well. People are amazed..  Harry Palmer
Real Life Avatar®
Jeanine Careri Jackson
Licensed Avatar Master
Free introductions by appointment.

Jeanine C. Jackson
Greenwich, CT

Ms. Jackson is 
a Licensed Avatar Master. 
She also holds a B. A. in Philosophy, is a Certified NutraMetrix Consultant and is a professional portrait and landscape artist. 

"I congratulate you for exploring AvatarIt has helped me in all areas of my life and hundreds of thousands of others. It is an honor to work with an international network of licensed Masters to guide you in your exploration. " JCJ
This page was last updated: March 14, 2018
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The Compassion Exercise
The Compassion Exercise
The Avatar Times
​The Avatar® Times is more than a FREE e-newsletter; it is a new perspective

The Receive The Avatar Times
​The Avatar® Times is more than a FREE e-newsletter; it is a new perspective

Greenwich, CT
203-856-4713, RLAvatar@aol.com